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Semestre : 1

Department Engineering Sciences and Technologies (STPI)
Engineering Sciences and Technologies
Semester 1 FISE
Year 2024-25

Code Teaching Unit Title / Component Element Modality Lecture TD TP Project Total ECTS Coeff
Common Core (TC)
  Challenges of Ecological Transition 1 (TC) E CC P 2:40 8:00 9:20   20:00 3 1
0.5 0.5 2:40 8:00 9:20 20:00 1
  Humanities 1 (TC) E CC P 9:20 62:00 14:40   86:00 7 5
1 30:40 30:40 2
1 22:00 22:00 1
1 8:00 1:20 4:00 13:20 0.5
1 2 1:20 8:00 10:40 20:00 1.5
  Physics - Chemistry 1 (TC) E CC P 16:00 26:00 14:40   56:40 5 4
0.6 0.4 10:40 17:00 27:40 2
0.4 0.4 0.2 1:20 12:00 13:20 1
0.5 0.35 0.15 4:00 9:00 2:40 15:40 1
  Applied and Industrial Sciences 1 (TC) E CC P 12:40 75:00 10:40   98:20 7 3
0.6 0.4 2:00 28:00 30:00 1
0.4 0.4 0.2 4:00 21:00 8:00 33:00 1
0.5 0.35 0.15 6:40 26:00 2:40 35:20 1
  Basic Sciences 1 (TC) E CC P 40:00 85:20 8:00   133:20 8 5
0.6 0.4 8:00 12:00 8:00 28:00 1
1 16:00 36:00 52:00 2
1 16:00 37:20 53:20 2
Optional (F)
  Optional Constitutive Elements 1 (F) E CC P              
LV2_1 1 22:00 34:00 1 0
Remediation Physics Chemistry 1 12:00 24:00 0 0
Post-Bac Remediation 25:00 37:00 0 0
Remediation Applied and Industrial Sciences 1 12:00 24:00 0 0
Remediation Basic Sciences 1 12:00 24:00 0 0
Semester Totals 1 Semester Totals 1 80:40 256:20 57:20   394:20 30  

Semestre : 2

Department Engineering Sciences and Technologies (STPI)
Engineering Sciences and Technologies
Semester 2 FISE
Year 2024-25

Code Teaching Unit Title / Component Element Modality Lecture TD TP Project Total ECTS Coeff
Common Core (TC)
  Challenges of Ecological Transition 2 (TC) E CC P 2:40 21:20 5:40   29:40 3 1
Changement climatique et biodiversité
2:40 21:20 5:40 29:40 1
  Humanities 2 (TC) E CC P 4:00 73:20 16:00   93:20 7 6.5
1 29:20 29:20 2
1 22:00 22:00 1
1 14:00 14:00 1
1 2:40 5:20 8:00 1
1 1 4:00 5:20 10:40 20:00 1.5
  Physics - Chemistry 2 (TC) E CC P 16:00 41:20 13:20   70:40 5 6
0.5 0.35 0.15 2:40 7:40 2:40 13:00 1
5 3 1 8:00 19:20 8:00 35:20 3
0.5 0.35 0.15 5:20 14:20 2:40 22:20 2
  Applied and Industrial Sciences 2 (TC) E CC P 18:40 42:20 20:00 6:00 87:00 7 4
0.5 0.5 8:00 12:00 20:00 1
0.4 0.4 0.2 8:00 13:00 8:00 29:00 1
1 6:00 6:00 1
0.6 0.4 10:40 21:20 32:00 1
  Basic Sciences 2 (TC) E CC P 42:40 78:40 12:00   133:20 8 5
0.5 0.3 0.2 8:00 8:00 12:00 28:00 1
1 17:20 33:20 50:40 2
1 17:20 37:20 54:40 2
Optional (F)
  Optional Constitutive Elements 2 (F) E CC P              
LV2 2 22:00 34:00 1 0
Participation in the School's Outreach 1 2 0
Project Voltaire 1 0 0
Remediation Physics Chemistry 2 8:00 20:00 0 0
Remediation Applied and Industrial Sciences 2 8:00 20:00 0 0
Remediation Basic Sciences 2 8:00 20:00 0 0
Semester Totals 2 Semester Totals 2 84:00 257:00 67:00 6:00 414:00 30  

Semestre : 3

Department Engineering Sciences and Technologies (STPI)
Engineering Sciences and Technologies
Semester 3 FISE
Year 2024-25

Code Teaching Unit Title / Component Element Modality Lecture TD TP Project Total ECTS Coeff
Pre-Orientation GSI 1 (POGSI1)
  PO GSI 1 (POGSI1) E CC P 14:40 33:20     48:00 3 2
0.6 0.4 2:40 21:20 24:00 1
0.5 0.5 12:00 12:00 24:00 1
Pre-Orientation MRI 1 (POMRI1)
  PO MRI 1 (POMRI1) E CC P 24:00 24:00     48:00 3 2
1 12:00 12:00 24:00 1
1 12:00 12:00 24:00 1
Pre-Orientation STI 1 (POSTI1)
  PO STI 1 (POSTI1) E CC P 16:00 16:00 16:00   48:00 3 2
0.5 0.5 8:00 8:00 8:00 24:00 1
1 8:00 8:00 8:00 24:00 1
Common Core (TC)
ETE3 Challenges of Ecological Transition 3 (TC) E CC P 1:20 22:40     24:00 3 1
Ressources (énergie, matériau, eau)
1:20 22:40 24:00 1
  Humanities 3 (TC) E CC P   84:00     84:00 6 6
1 30:00 30:00 2
1 22:00 22:00 1
1 16:00 16:00 1.5
1 16:00 16:00 1.5
  Applied and Industrial Sciences 3 (TC) E CC P 40:00 60:00 16:00   116:00 7 7
1 16:00 16:00 1
0.67 0.33 12:00 20:00 32:00 2
1.5 1.5 12:00 20:00 32:00 2
1 16:00 20:00 36:00 2
  Basic Sciences 3 (TC) E CC P 58:00 80:40 12:00   150:40 8 5
0.7 0.3 10:40 14:40 12:00 37:20 1
0.5 0.5 14:00 22:00 36:00 1
1 21:20 28:00 49:20 2
0.5 0.5 12:00 16:00 28:00 1
  Discovery Internship (TC) E CC P           3 1
Stage découverte de l'entreprise
1 Validation
Optional (F)
  Optional Elements 3 (F) E CC P              
Foreign Language 2 3 22:00 34:00 1.5 0
Semester Totals 3 - POGSI1 Semester Totals 3 - POGSI1 114:00 280:40 28:00   422:40 30  
Semester Totals 3 - POMRI1 Semester Totals 3 - POMRI1 123:20 271:20 28:00   422:40 30  
Semester Totals 3 - POSTI1 Semester Totals 3 - POSTI1 115:20 263:20 44:00   422:40 30  

Semestre : 4

Department Engineering Sciences and Technologies (STPI)
Engineering Sciences and Technologies
Semester 4 FISE
Year 2024-25

Code Teaching Unit Title / Component Element Modality Lecture TD TP Project Total ECTS Coeff
Pre-Orientation GSI 2 (POGSI2)
  PO GSI 2 (POGSI2) E CC P 5:20 34:40 76:00 6:00 122:00 7 10
1 24:00 24:00 2
0.7 0.3 1 16:00 16:00 1
2 28:00 28:00 2
1 6:00 6:00 1
0.66 0.34 2:40 13:20 8:00 24:00 2
0.6 0.4 2:40 21:20 24:00 2
Pre-Orientation MRI 2 (POMRI2)
  PO MRI 2 (POMRI2) E CC P 50:00 62:00 10:00   122:00 7 8.5
1 14:00 18:00 32:00 2
1 6:00 6:00 1
0.8 0.2 8:00 10:00 4:00 22:00 1.5
1 16:00 16:00 32:00 2
0.5 0.5 12:00 12:00 6:00 30:00 2
Pre-Orientation STI 2 (POSTI2)
  PO STI 2 (POSTI2) E CC P 45:20 50:00 26:40   122:00 7 8.5
0.5 0.5 8:00 8:00 8:00 24:00 1.5
0.8 0.2 8:00 10:00 4:00 22:00 1.5
1 16:00 16:00 32:00 2.5
1 4:00 8:00 8:00 20:00 1.5
0.7 0.3 9:20 8:00 6:40 24:00 1.5
Common Core (TC)
ETE4 Challenges of Ecological Transition 4 (TC) E CC P 6:40 12:00     18:40 3 1
Adaptation, Atténuation, Scénario 1
6:40 12:00 18:40 1
  Humanities 4 (TC) E CC P 4:00 76:00 4:00   84:00 6 6
1 30:00 30:00 2
1 4:00 8:00 4:00 16:00 1.5
1 22:00 22:00 1
1 16:00 16:00 1.5
  Applied and Industrial Sciences 4 (TC) E CC P 22:40 50:40     73:20 6 6
1 8:00 16:00 24:00 2
0.6 0.4 2:40 18:40 21:20 2
0.8 0.2 12:00 16:00 28:00 2
  Basic Sciences 4 (TC) E CC P 48:40 58:00 8:00   114:40 8 7
1 22:40 28:00 50:40 3
1 1 1 10:00 14:00 8:00 32:00 2
1 16:00 16:00 32:00 2
Optional (F)
  Optional Constitutive Elements 4 (F) E CC P              
Art and Engineering Track 1 0
LV2 4 22:00 34:00 1.5 0
Participation in the School's Outreach 2 2 0
Project Voltaire 2 0 0
Semester Totals 4 - POGSI2 Semester Totals 4 - POGSI2 87:20 231:20 88:00   412:40 30  
Semester Totals 4 - POMRI2 Semester Totals 4 - POMRI2 132:00 258:40 22:00   412:40 30  
Semester Totals 4 - POSTI2 Semester Totals 4 - POSTI2 127:20 246:40 38:40   412:40 30